From 1916-7 she was attached to the Admiralty Intelligence Office in Cairo. The author's intelligence and acuteness are more completely hampered by doctrinal presuppositions when he comes to treat questions relating to the history of the individual books of the New Testament canon. quand on a son intelligence. This is the reassertion of a principle which the middle ages had lost sight of - that knowledge, if it is to have any value, must be intelligence, and not erudition. The material world is an emanation from, and a "mirror" of, the Divine Intelligence. The intelligence offices decided that the Scouts were quarrelsome and difficult to manage and so substituted girls for boys. Examples of intelligence agency in a sentence: 1. von Hartmann, who (Die Philosophie des Unbewussten, 1869, 1st ed. The child was small and somewhat deformed, but of great courage and intelligence. Top searched words 3. His intelligence and experience enabled him to deal with the trouble. J’espérais mieux de son intelligence. In captivity the kakapo is said to show much intelligence, as well as an affectionate and playful disposition. dissenters on this thread, as evident by their posts, are absolutely no match for your intelligence and insights. With reference to this last, he says we cannot know God from himself, but only after the analogy of his creatures; and the special analogy used is the self-consciousness of man, its peculiar double nature, with the necessary elements, memory and intelligence, representing the relation of the Father to the Son. This is one among many flaws in the Hegelian dialectic, and it paralyzes the whole of the Logic. The inhabitants are a mixed race of Arab, Omanite and Persian blood, slender and small in their physical appearance; they possess great activity and intelligence, and are known in all the ports of the Persian Gulf for their commercial and industrial ability. "But, after all, Malone," Burris said, "we do have such a thing as the Central Intelligence Agency. “Artificial intelligence is the science of making … Both powers know by being passively receptive of essence propagated by an efficient cause; but, while in sense the efficient cause is an external object in intelligence it is active intellect (vous Tca iroiEZv) propagating its essence in passive intellect (pas Nevertheless, without sense there is no knowledge. He also cosponsors with the University of Chicago and Penn State University a certified series of courses on data warehousing and business intelligence. Liberty is the child of intelligence. Examples of intelligence capability in a sentence, how to use it. The principal symptons of chronic ether-drinking are a weakening of the activity of the special senses, and notably sight and hearing, a lowering of the intelligence and a degree of general paresis (partial paralysis) of motion. With each passing day human intelligence enlarges the horizons of the possible and achieves prodigious feats. Murad was of independent character and remarkable intelligence. elaboration on all sides of Stoic natural philosophy belongs to Cleanthes, who certainly was not the merely docile and receptive intelligence he is sometimes represented as being. He further held that all knowledge is sensation ("non ratione sed sensu") and that intelligence is, therefore, an agglomeration of isolated data, given by the senses. A social and technological view of ambient intelligence in everyday life: what bends the trend? Page 1. If wiser legislation followed the great reform of 1832, Burke would have said this was because the political intelligence of the country had improved. These cookies do not store any personal information. Mark's intelligence-- not his. The children were given an intelligence test. Sophia was an accomplished woman of high intelligence, but unfortunately the relations between the royal pair were far from cordial and finally ended in complete disagreement, and the breach between them continued until the death of the queen in 1877. When the ancients could not find these solutions, it was not for a lack of intelligence but for a lack of technology. Wilson's surprise resignation has been credited to a dirty tricks campaign operated by British intelligence at the behest of the US. He is liked by his teachers for his intelligence and obedience to elders. That strenuous application which was one of his most remarkable gifts in manhood showed itself in his youth, and his application was backed or inspired by superior intelligence and aptness. To such an extent does he carry this demand for rational explanation that, at times, it seems as if he claimed for unassisted intelligence the power of penetrating even to the mysteries of the Christian faith. His works included A Dialogue on Dying Well (1603), a translation from the Italian; Restitution of Decayed Intelligence in Antiquities concerning the English Nation, dedicated to James I. ("I hold it to be a failure in duty if after we have become steadfast in the faith we do not strive to understand what we believe.") Need to translate "WITH INTELLIGENCE" from english and use correctly in a sentence? , Albert Einstein’s intelligence left behind a legacy of knowledge that changed physics and how we understand gravity. He sends us daily intelligence. And whether the laws of our reason are the laws of all intelligence and being - whether and how we are to relate our fundamental, intellectual and moral conceptions to what is beyond our experience, or to an infinite being - are problems which Cousin cannot be regarded as having solved. Luther had a high opinion of her intelligence; she took rank among those consulted on all important occasions; in one letter to her, seldom quoted, he gives the fairest statement he ever made about the views of Zwingli on the Sacrament of the Supper. Intelligence is information that is gathered by the government or the army about their country's enemies and their activities. The intelligence was made known in April or May; and then began a rush of thousands, - men leaving their former employments in the bush or in the towns to search for the ore so greatly coveted in all ages. intelligence in a sentence. In fact, in one study, peer rejection proved to be a more sensitive predictor of … Intelligence reported enemy activity just off the coast. In many parts of the world it is held that the human body is the seat of more than one soul; in the island of Nias four are distinguished, the shadow and the intelligence, which die with the body, a tutelary spirit, termed begoe, and a second which is carried on the head. A new world was discovered, for the sake of which everything else was abandoned; to make sure of that world insight and intelligence were freely sacrificed; and, in the light that streamed from beyond, the absurdities of the present became wisdom, and its wisdom became foolishness. Need to translate "INTELLIGENCE" from german and use correctly in a sentence? Intelligential definition: Adjective (not comparable) 1. Apprehending the importance of Italian federation, Lorenzo, by his personal tact and prudent leadership of the republic, secured peace and a common intelligence between the five powers. It was useful as marking definitely the boundary of the Roman sway, and as assuring the Romans that no inroad could be made without intelligence being had of it beforehand, while the limes itself and the system of roads behind it enabled troops to be directed rapidly to any threatened point, and the fortified positions could be held against large numbers till reinforcements arrived. The staff comprises a controller-general (salary £1200 rising to £1500), a deputy controller-general and labour commissioner, a principal for statistics, a principal of the commercial department, an assistant labour commissioner, a chief staff officer for commercial intelligence, a chief labour correspondent, a special inquiry officer, and a staff of investigators and labour correspondents. Perhaps they felt this success story would dig them out of the hole being created by the revelations of increasingly creaky pre-war intelligence. William received the intelligence with the calmness of a man whose work was done. Arnold (London, 1888); articles on Local Government in France in the Stock Exchange Official Intelligence Annuals (London, I908 and 1909); M. Several futile attempts have been made to draw conclusions as to the intelligence of various birds. The kind of warrant that intelligence can give to specific principles falls short of infallibility. They do not represent the opinions of Onias is described - in order to enhance the glory of Joseph - as a man of small intelligence and deficient in wealth. The intelligence of the men and regimental officers was very low, but on the other hand service was practically for life, and the regiment the only home the great majority had ever known. 2. Find more ways to say intelligence, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. There is no doubt that Aehrenthal was a statesman of considerable mark, a man of wide knowledge and well-ordered intelligence; he was ambitious, but not vain, and an untiring worker. Of the four continuers of Brito's work, three are no better than their master, but Frei Antonio Brandao, who dealt with the period from King Alphonso Henriques to King John II., proved himself a man of high intelligence and a learned, conscientious historian. Scientists tell us that the brain gets its intelligence from a surface layer of tissue no more than a centimeter thick. Ferrier was aware that in Kant's system " there is no common nature in all intelligence " (Lectures, ii. | (countable) An entity that has such capacities. How to use intelligence in a sentence. After working in the prison service, he joined the defence forces before becoming an intelligence agent. Waterford, whence he marched through the counties of Kilkenny and Wicklow, and subsequently arrived in Dublin, where he remained a fortnight, sumptuously entertained by the provost, as the chief magistrate of the city was then called, till intelligence of the invasion of his kingdom by Bolingbroke recalled him to England. The course adopted by Kant's immediate successors in German idealism was to reject the whole conception of noiimena, for the reason that what is essentially unknowable has no existence for our intelligence. At this point Gassendi arrested Descartes and addressed his objections to him as pure intelligence, - O mens! Similarity of genetic background has been proven to be a greater … How to use intelligence in a sentence. But the task exhausted both my intelligence and industry. It may be said that the first duty of a huntsman is to obtain the confidence of his hounds, to understand them and to make himself understood; and the intelligence of hounds is remarkable. The poodle is probably derived from spaniels, but is of slighter, more graceful build, and is pre-eminent even among spaniels for intelligence. 106 sqq., 175 seq. To him the universe is no realization of intelligence, which is to be deciphered by human thought; it is a constitution or system, made up of individual facts, through which we thread our way slowly and inductively. SCULLY: Mulder, that level of artificial intelligence is decades away from being realized. It was discovered very early in the movement that the accuracy of these communications could not always be relied on; but it is maintained by spiritualists that by the intelligent exercise of the reason it is possible to judge whether the communicating intelligence is trustworthy, especially after prolonged acquaintance with particular intelligences, or where proofs are given of identity with persons known to have been trustworthy on earth. 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